Mothers of babies rescued in Bourgas hospital transmit their experience to parenthood

Mothers of babies who spent the first days and months of their life in the Department of Neonatology in Bourgas hospital, came to thank the doctors who saved their children.

They visited the open doors of the Maternity Ward and Department of Neonatology. To open doors come prospective parents to consider the divisions and to ask any questions doctors and midwives.

"Even if you have your children remain in the ward, you should make sure that they are in the best hands! ", said to expectant mothers Jana Petrova. Both her births were heavy and had both her children to spend the first days of their life in an incubator. Of gratitude to the care that doctors take her children, she organized a charity event and donated the funds to the Department of Neonatology.

"Sometimes it is very difficult, especially for premature babies born with a critically low weight but we fail, especially when we have the support of parents", said Dr. Stiliana Tomova, chief of the Division of Neonatology.



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