Second donor in Bourgas hospital gave birth to three

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Second donor situation in Bourgas hospital within two months gave life to three people. The donor was 58-year old woman who was admitted to the department of anesthesiology and intensive care in a coma with brain hemorrhage on October 23th in the evening. 


A day later, after establishing a brain death, the relatives of the woman agreed to donate her organs for transplant. On October 24th, a team of surgeons explant her liver and her kidneys. The noble gesture of the family of the deceased save the lives of three people total. The liver is transplanted still on October 25th at the Military Academy - Sofia, and on the next day the kidneys - to two patients in the Alexander Hospital. 

We recall that on August 20th, the family of 61-year-old man died in hospital Bourgas, donated his organs for transplant and save three people. The second donor situation only within two months confirms the hospital as the basis for successful explantation. 

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